Blue background with multicolored star confetti and a picture of the leader of the week.

PTO Super Star Leader of the Week: Linsi Moy

This week, it’s time to meet our Super Star Leader of the week, Linsi Moy!

Linsi is a firecracker volunteer, who stepped up to lead her PTA at College Place Elementary in Lynnwood, Washington last year as President with no prior PTO experience. 

Tell us a little about your family and your PTO/PTA journey

I live with my partner, and we have 3 boys between us. He has an almost 7 year old, and I have a 7 year old and a 9 year old. His son is with us every other weekend, and he attends school in a different district. I have my kids every week day and every other weekend, so most of the time. 

When my oldest started Kindergarten in 2020, a group of parents decided to reboot the PTA at our elementary school. The old PTA disbanded in 2016, and it wasn’t pretty. Little did I know what I was about to get myself into. It started with me heading the steering committee. Then, it turned into my nomination for President. Things took off from there. Our Treasurer let me know his kids would be attending a different school, but stayed with us until we brought on a new Treasurer. He stayed all year. I am serving my second year as Co-President this year and then I will have to switch roles next year.

My main focus was to build relationships and connections amongst the staff and families. We didn’t do “a lot” last year for our first year. But we also ended up doing more than expected. This second year we/I am taking on more supportive roles and stepping up where it’s needed instead of adding a new, fully hosted PTA event. Challenging, and also rewarding. I get to learn about others’ ideas in our campus community this way.

Tell us about why you got involved in your school parent group?

To support the teachers, especially coming out of the pandemic. Help be a support for the kids through supporting the teachers. 

What’s your favorite way to volunteer?

Building connections and pulling off a fun event as a team! I enjoy working with staff and students, both demographics are fun. 

What’s coming up in your PTO/PTA that you’re excited about?

Learning more about parent leader support on the district level at the parent leader breakfast. Spring is our PTA’s time for our events! 

What’s something you’ve accomplished with your PTA/PTO that you’re super proud of?

Our positive PTA reputation is continuing to spread amongst staff and families. A lot of the effort is charged by myself, however, it seems that most people involved are usually quite excited to be part of it. Doing fewer events, and putting the time into being very organized has been significant in keeping things manageable. 

Last year, I teamed up with the two 6th grade teachers and our specialists to train and prepare 6th graders to host field day – first time at our school. We did 2 weeks of training with a very challenging group. I was extremely proud of them, and of all of us, pulling off a very successful event! The students loved it and the 6th graders rose to the occasion more than expected. I’m so excited to do it again this year.

What’s one piece of advice for PTO/PTA leaders who are just starting out you’d like to share?

Take on what YOU can personally take on. If there isn’t a committee, then the event won’t take place. Communicate clearly what expectations are. Refer to your PTA Council and Regional Directors-they are there to help you! Listen to understand so you can consider everything, as you would want others to do for you. 

In a word, sum up your life as a PTO/PTA volunteer


Want to hang out and get to know Linsi even more?

Come join us in the Super Star PTO Leaders Facebook Group!

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