Pink background with multicolored star confetti and a picture of the leader of the week.

PTO Leader of the Week: Claire Watson

Today we shine the spotlight on Claire, Watson, President of King’s Gate Christian School PTO in Yukon, Oklahoma. Claire is a new leader and is giving back to her school community in a big way. Let’s get to know her better!

Tell us a little about your family and your PTO/PTA journey

Our family loves our school so much! All three kiddos can be found in those halls: Grace (2nd grade), Elijah (PreK), and Kaia (toddler class). My husband and I own and operate a local chiropractic clinic in Yukon, OK and will be married 10 years in May! Last school year I was Homeroom parent for my son’s preschool class. Having zero PTO interaction aside from that, I was shocked to get a call from our Head of Schools in July saying multiple sources suggested my name for PTO President and asking would I serve in the role for this school year! Saying “yes” was exciting and scary all at once. This FaceBook group became an instant resource for me! 

Tell us about why you got involved in your school parent group?

Our school is fantastic – teachers and staff are just another level of wonderful and intentional. The PTO needed someone to lead in the President’s role and I’m gifted in that kind of organization and leadership, so I said yes!

What’s your favorite way to volunteer?

Being President has been helpful so far! Homeroom parent was a blast to work with the teacher in one class. 

What’s coming up in your PTO/PTA that you’re excited about?

Right now we are launching a brand new initiative called “Holiday Hugs” for PTO and parents to give extra love and encouragement to teachers and staff during the hectic school weeks after Thanksgiving break and before Christmas break. 

What’s something you’ve accomplished with your PTA/PTO that you’re super proud of?

So far this school year some highlights include: increased paid membership by 118%, attendance at our Fall fundraiser more than doubled, and the new “Holiday Hugs” initiative as described above. 

What’s one piece of advice for PTO/PTA leaders who are just starting out you’d like to share?

Show up with a smile! Be at meetings, learn lots, and say yes when you can. 

In a word, sum up your life as a PTO/PTA volunteer


Want to hang out with Claire more?

Come join us in the Super Star PTO Leaders Facebook Group!

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